About us

Strategy and Coaching to Drive Revenue and Traction Across Sales, Marketing, and Operations (RevOps).

About The Growth Executive

Hi, I'm James.

I'm a strategic growth coach working with clients to implement systems and develop teams to scale marketing, sales, and operations. 👇

📈 As an integrator (think COO/CRO), I work with strong visionary CEOs and entrepreneurs who struggle to bring their big ideas to the team for day-to-day execution.

🚀 My team and I work with startups and purpose-driven leaders who take their mission and values seriously to positively impact revenue, profits, and communities.

Our Mission Statement: "To inspire and equip people for personal, professional, and leadership development so they can live with purpose, accomplish their goals, and give back to others."

Picture James Martin
Our Thinking

You shouldn't have to leave revenue growth to chance



We have over two decades of experience operating start-ups, turnarounds, and high-growth organizations. 🌱



Across our coaching clients and cohorts in Southern California in 2023. Overall we saw incredible YoY growth! 🚀


Startup Exits

Work with a coach who has personally built, scaled, and led multiple M&A events. Founders, we get you! 🫶

Team Pic 4
Who We Serve

As the CEO, you need to be confident in your team and revenue-generating efforts.

The problem is we live in a world saturated with data, information, and countless new ideas, leaving us overwhelmed, spinning our wheels, and no closer to achieving tangible results.

​Which makes you feel stuck.

We understand what it feels like to work hard and not see the results you want, which is why, as integrators and trusted coaches, we develop frameworks and implement an agile methodology to get you traction.